Last day of freedom

Posted by Blogger Name. Category: , , ,

Well, its on tomorrow - official ceremony and all that aaaaaand the university year starts in earnest. Can't say I am too happy about that. Program for the first semester is already out and it seems I will be busy 6 days in the week. Adding injury to insult, most of the lectures and courses are around midday, which means that with travelling time included, I will use up the whole day no matter how many hours I actually have there. That will mess up my intern job like nothing else. Quite annoying really. Being last year as I said before does not help things, state exams etc and a full time job are waiting on the horizon, and the fact that I have lost much of my initial taste for studying law and practising it brings some bad implications. I am not too thrilled with an attorney's position - now that I have seen the system first hand. True law is not limited to attorneys and lawyers, there are many other jobs for someone who has studied it, but a quick search has shown me, law students are among those have the hardest time finding a job relevant to their studies. I can't even start something else in the same university. Since its state sponsored, taxes for the semester are very low, but you can't sign in again once go through it once even if you are willing to pay much more. That leaves only the private universities as a possible choice and they are expensive to say the least.
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