Separated political commentary in another blog

Fresh out of the mold -
I know political discussion can get ugly, and while I do want to scratch my tongue on it, I don't want all the mud throwing to happen here.

Ironclad (no update proper, working on it)

I don't have a quality camera right now, and webcam clips are shitty for the purpose at hand. Meanwhile - thats my current attire. Weights around 25 kg. Protects like the proverbial bauws of legend.

This has nothing to do with chainmaille

So only those who can contribute insight please, say something.

Now, I myself am walking/public transport everywhere. Not too long ago though, my mother decided she has to learn how to drive and she did buying first a cheap Reno, then a Toyota.  She is naturally not the best driver being still inexperienced and all. Today is her first  journey abroad with the car though, going to Greece. Now it has obviously all the necessary car insurances and all and of course, I hope she has no problems. Still I need to ask has anyone had any experience with the behaviour of insurance companies with accidents that happen abroad? Either personal or someone else's story?

Thanks in advance.

On the art of chainmaille - Cross of Iron

So far well and good. But so far on the blog are only basic weaves and tools. So, what can you do with only what's present?

As an example - this cross. Its 4in1 spiral made from copper plated rings for the chain, and 4in1 box from standard galvanised steel rings for the cross itself.

Плетене на ризници - Железен кръст.

Досега в блога съм давал само клипове за някои базови плетки. Въпроса е обаче, какво може да се направи от тях?

За пример този кръст. Верижката е 4в1 спирала, затворена сама в себе си, направена от стоманени халки с медно покритие(заваръчна тел). Кръста е от стандартни халки в 4в1 бокс.

By popular demand...

Here is one of my chainmail bras in action. Now scurry away you unbelievers. Shash delivers.

On the art of chainmaille - old stuff.

Dragonscale Coif.

4in1 coif with bishop mantle - small gauge rings.

Chainmail bra.

MADNESS I TELL YOU! Also my full hauberk.

A collection of some of my bigger works - a dragonscale coif, a unique item, there are very few to be seen on the internet and it was damn hard to make it. An ordinary and quite heavy coif with mantle piece, served me well. A piece of chainmail bikini. It was made for the lulz and yet not only for the lulz. They are fun. Aaand my biggest piece - my long sleeved, knee long hauberk. 

Picking up the pace

Guess I will have to. Initially I planned only to make a few videos to save me time. I have to teach a lot of newbies how to make chainmail and it gets quite frustrating at times, you better believe it. Wasted many hours with one particular guy who was too lazy to get a camera and make a few shots of his work so that I know what the hell is he doing wrong(as it turned out eventually - everything.) Still, I can get around a vid or two per week and something extra too.

On the art of Chainmaille Box chain 4in1

Box chain 4in1 is of moderate difficulty, but it makes a sturdy chain. It is a strip of european 4in1 that is enclosed on itself. You can make it of any length necessary.

Плетене на ризници - верига бокс-чейн 4в1

4в1 бокс е добра и доста здрава плетка за вериги. Представлява лента от халки 4в1 европейска, която е затворена сама в себе си. Може да е със всякаква дължина.

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