Saving the planet from themselves

Greenpeace is in the news today; the Mail Online reports:

A Greenpeace senior executive commutes to work by plane despite the organisation’s anti-air travel campaign, it emerged yesterday.
Pascal Husting, Greenpeace International’s programme director, has been flying 250 miles between Luxembourg and Amsterdam at the charity’s expense since 2012. 
Each trip costs Greenpeace £200 and would generate 142kg of carbon dioxide emissions, according to airline KLM.

Oh dear; this is a classic example of "do as we say, not as we do" from Greenpeace. But that's not the end of it; read on:

Over two years this would amount to 7.4 metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions - the equivalent of consuming 17 barrels of oil, according to the US Environmental Protection Agency.
But Mr Husting defended the arrangement and said he would rather not take the journey but it was necessary because the alternative is a twelve hour round trip by train.

So let's get this right. Mr Husting thinks his time is so much more valuable than anyone else's that he flies when he could take the train. Why doesn't he just move closer to work, or find another job?

Greenpeace; saving the planet, from everyone except themselves. That's nothing but hippy-crisy.
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