Yet another record month

We were a little bit gutted when our Sitemeter counter spat the dummy last week. That's because we knew that another record was within reach. Sitemeter still hasn't found our missing visitors, and in fact is more than 100 hours behind now:

Fortunately, we also installed Statcounter a few years ago, and given that Ken Perrott at Open Parachute also includes Statcounter in his Blog Rankings, that will now be our counter of choice. But Statcounter too confirmed our best moth ever:

And to round things off, we've achieved our best-ever ranking on the Open Parachute rankings; check this out:


We're never likely to threaten Kiwiblog or Whaleoil, or any of the top five. But we've got our eyes on Sciblogs, and as the election draws nearer, even Danyl's Dim-Post numbers may be attainable. But we also work full-time, and we have to balance our priorities!

Rex asked yesterday "You do this why?". That's a very good question, as we approach our seventh birthday. We "do this" because we can, because we enjoy it, and in view of the increasing visitor numbers, clearly other people enjoy what we produce as well. We're never going to be mass-market in the same way as the leading blogs on Ken's rankings, but we're up there with the most-visited "boutique" blogs. Clearly, there's an audience.

And we'll continue to "do this" as long as we enjoy it. When the enjoyment factor drops away, it'll be time to retire from blogging. In the meantime you're stuck with us!

Thanks to everyone who visits, and an even bigger thanks to those who take the time to comment; we sincerely appreciate your opinions (even yours Rex), even if we don't share them. It would be a boring place if everyone agreed all the time. So it's onwards and upwards!

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