Black Sex Offender Gilbert Welsh, 61, who selects white subway passengers as his victims beats felony charge due to sex offense loophole

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Gilbert Welsh, 61, was busted last month for allegedly rubbing his crotch against of the buttocks of another rider in what was at least his ninth arrest for a sex offense in the subways. Yet Welsh will not face more than a year behind bars thanks to a legal loophole — much to the disappointment of the victim in his latest case, who says the sicko wouldn't back off even after she tried to elbow him away.

This prolific subway pervert is every woman’s nightmare.
Cops busted subterranean sicko Gilbert Welsh, 61, last month for allegedly grinding against a woman on a No. 4 train — at least his ninth arrest for a sex offense in the subways.
Yet the most Welsh faces is a year behind bars thanks to a legal loophole that allows his time as an inmate to spare him from being charged as a repeat offender.

Under state law, repeat offenders can be hit with a felony charge of persistent sex abuse and face up to four years in prison if they have previously been convicted of a sex offense twice in a decade. Welsh, whose 30-year rap sheet includes three dozen arrests, was spared that fate because he was incarcerated for nine of the last 10 years.

His latest arrest came after he was accused of preying on a young advertising professional headed to work on June 26, cops said.

The woman told the Daily News she was boarding the southbound No. 4 train at Union Square when she noticed a man rush in behind her. She immediately felt a bad vibe.

“I didn’t feel comfortable the second he got on the train,” she said. “Normally when I’m on the subway and it’s packed, you understand that this is what it’s like ... but this was a lot closer, a lot more personal.”

When she elbowed him away, the man grunted, “Oh, sorry” — but did not back off. Welsh — who has been arrested at least 36 times over the past three decades — was soon rubbing his crotch against her buttocks, she said.

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