NO END TO CHICAGO CORRUPTION - Chicago Department of Aviation Commissioner Rosemarie Andolino and her dirty tricks.... Firm accuses city of 'civil conspiracy' in airport landscape flap

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PHOTO: Raccoon eyes and the Bitch - Chicago Department of Aviation Commissioner Rosemarie Andolino leads Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel

Outgoing Department of Aviation Commissioner Rosemarie Andolino allegedly sought to improperly oust a company contracted to landscape the city’s airports in order to replace it with a firm she and other city officials wanted, according to court documents filed earlier this week.

The amended complaint to the lawsuit, which was originally filed last year, claims CityEscape Garden Center & Design Studio was targeted by officials. They allegedly made up requirements not found in the contract to landscape O’Hare and Midway airports in an attempt to force the landscaping company to “default or abandon its contract,” according to the court document filed Tuesday.

The city also sought to re-bid the lucrative airport landscaping contract despite CityEscape’s existing agreement and the three years it had left, according to the lawsuit, which alleges Andolino and others were involved in a “civil conspiracy” to harm the landscaping company financially and to interfere with its work.

“We believe that once the efforts to oust CityEscape through re-bidding the contract were unsuccessful, Andolino and [Department of Aviation’s Chief Operating Officer Jonathan] Leach intentionally accelerated their efforts to replace CityEscape by making it too costly and difficult for CityEscape to perform, chiefly by manufacturing ‘requirements’ that have no basis” in the contract,” said Sarah Steele, an attorney for CityEscape.

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