Rachel Jeantel - the fat nasty lying witness for the dead thug Trayvon Martin - One Year After Zimmerman’s Acquittal, the ‘Train Wreck’ Witness Speaks Out (The media just can't let this die - now make a hero out of a woman who perjury herself in an attempt to convict an innocent Zimmerman)

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PHOTO: Rachel Jeantel, the witness that was on the phone with Trayvon Martin just before he died, gives her lying testimony during George Zimmerman’s trial in Seminole circuit court in Sanford, Fla. Wednesday, June 26, 2013. 

PHOTO: Rachel Jeantel today.... she is as big as a silverback ape!

One year ago Sunday, the man who shot Rachel Jeantel’s friend was acquitted.
She blames herself for that “a little bit.”
As she testified in the contentious trial of George Zimmerman, the man who shot the black teenager Trayvon Martin and sparked a nationwide debate over race relations and gun control, Jeantel became the butt of jokes and the object of passionate defenses.
A year later, she is pursuing her education and speaking out about the case.
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