[VIDEO] Busloads of Illegals Shopping at WALMART with EBT WELFARE Cards (Paid for by us the taxpayers)

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Several Walmart shoppers in the checkout line confirmed that these illegals were all using government issued welfare debit cards - The school bus company confirmed the buses were rented by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. None of the passengers on this bus spoke English only Spanish. Another Walmart shopper stated these people SMELLED like dirty filthy non-bathed illegal beaners.
This news story has now been 100% confirmed.

If we were to listen only to the mainstream media and the talking points from the White House, they would have us believe that not only is the government doing everything possible in order to stop the invasion of our Southern border, but those who are crossing are refugee children who can’t be turned away. However, a video that was recorded on Sunday by a North Carolina woman places serious doubts on whether or not either of those things are true, as it allegedly shows busloads of adult illegal immigrants getting dropped off at a local Walmart to shop for supplies for their shelter.
Sylvia Locklear was on her lunch break Sunday afternoon around 1:30 p.m. when she noticed something strange happening in the parking lot of Walmart in Concord, NC – there was busloads of what appeared to be adult illegal immigrants being dropped off to shop for everything from food to pillows and blankets. Angered by her discovery, Sylvia decided she was going to investigate a little further, and what she found should outrage every American citizen.
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