BRITISH COPS COULD FACE SACK FOR BEING 'IMPOLITE' - The code will also advise Police that they should not have sex or use drugs whilst on duty or be "unfit or impaired for duty as a result of drinking alcohol"

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British Police Officers will face disciplinary action for failure to be polite under new plans to be announced by ministers next week. According to the Daily Telegraph,the government plans to implement a ten-point code of ethics, requiring officers to treat the public and colleagues with "courtesy and respect".

The code will also advise Police that they should not have sex or use drugs whilst on duty or be "unfit or impaired for duty as a result of drinking alcohol". The rules seem so obvious that it has prompted police officers to ask whether the document is not just stating the obvious.
The rules are being drawn up by the College of Policing, and are intended to repair the damage done by recent scandals such as "plebgate". The plebgate incident came about when Police Officers accused the then Government Chief Whip, Andrew Mitchell, of calling them "plebs" in an incident outside Number Ten Downing Street. As reported on Breitbart London, various officers have been sacked over the incident but one has been imprisoned. 
The rules will also encourage officers of all grades to report colleagues who breach ethical and professional guidelines, regardless of their rank or position. Those who fall foul of the rules risk losing their jobs. 
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