Desiree Rogers urges support of black entrepreneurs - I guess it is fair for TRUE NEWS USA to urge its WHITE VIEWERS to support and purchase from only WHITE OWNED BUSINESSES

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PHOTO: Skinny AIDS CRACK HEAD looking Desiree Rogers, a true racist! 

Entrepreneurship is vital to sustaining African-American communities and needs more support from corporations and from within, Desiree Rogers, CEO of Johnson Publishing Co., told a national business group.

Rogers was the keynote speaker Friday at the National Black Chamber of Commerce convention at the Sheraton Chicago Hotel & Towers.

She said that by 2015, African Americans will spend about $1.1 trillion, numbers cited in a report by Nielsen and the National Newspaper Publishers Association.

 “With this kind of economic power, why are we still struggling to ensure that we get our fair share of the pie?” she said. “Why do we have to constantly remind America that investing in African Americans — whether it be entrepreneurs, our education, corporate directorships — that economic equality is the American way?”

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