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There are a couple of pieces of information we need to put out there in today’s bits and pieces.


1} If you own a plasma Television or if you are planning to buy one get informed that Plasma technology is being taken off market. We have started to see many used to be very expensive models being sold  by major retailers at giveaway prices. Yes buy them but this is what they know that you don’t know, Plasma technology is very expensive to manufacture and it is not environmentally friendly, thus it is being taken off the market. Companies like Samsung have started to remodel their factories so that they don’t manufacture them anymore, as other major manufacturers are following shortly. At a certain point even the maintenance of such televisions is going to stop, so do yourself a Favour if you don’t have a Plasma television yet do not buy it, you will save yourself a great pain when the time comes and they are no longer sold anywhere. Again Plasma televisions are  going out of business and very fast.


2} Bill Gates foundation is working on a chip that can be installed into a woman to act as a birth control. What they have done is to enable this chip to release so much endocrines that your body needs to refuse to get pregnant. What is holding this technology to be on market, is that they still need to control how it is used. What Bill Gates needs is to see that a woman gets a remote control in her home that she can rub on the chip in her skin and the chip instructs her hominies’ to go to the uterus and it shuts down. The remote must be rubbed at the chip so that no one controls the woman’s life but her. They are promising this technology to be on the market by 2018. If this technology works you will not need to take the pill every day you are bonked.


3} The Israel Ministry of defense, has an APP that you can down load on your iPhone, if the Palestinians send a missile near where you are, the app will send an alert to you and that the missile is coming and you need to move to such a place for it is safer. That same App will also tell you what bunkers are near where you are and it will tell you how fast to reach them and hide before it explodes. This App can also be used by those not in Israel to follow if their people or the people they know in Israel are safe.


The Germanys are getting whooped come Sunday !!!!!



On the 49th Parallel          


                    Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in anarchy"
Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni katika machafuko"


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