Quote of the Day - 18 July 2014

Toby Manhire isn't buying Kim Dotcom's latest conspiracy theory; he opines:

But while many will struggle to believe the Prime Minister didn't know about Kim Dotcom, it is not at all implausible. The case against him is built on inference and circumstance. Moreover, he has repeatedly given his word that he didn't know. He has staked his reputation on it. If Dotcom has evidence that he did know, it will automatically become a resignation matter.
And that is why, for all the theatrical appeal, it is unreasonable and wrong for Dotcom to withhold this supposed evidence for a climactic campaign spectacular. A big reveal in the final week of the campaign doesn't only lend weight to perceptions the internet-Mana hydra is a Dotcom plaything, that the political party and the Dotcom defence are two sides of the same bitcoin. It also denies New Zealanders information they deserve to know.
If Dotcom can prove that the Prime Minister has bare-faced lied, over and over, the democratic imperative is that he do so now. If Key is not fit for office on September 15, then he is not fit for office today. Dotcom should cut to the chase. Otherwise, the assumption has to be that the great Dotcom bombshell is an enormous political bluff.

Let's not forget that it was only a matter of just over a month ago that Dotcom was offering a $5m reward for anyone who could concoct come up with evidence against John Key. He didn't have the evidence then, despite having claimed to for two years, and we don't reckon he has it now.

But if he DOES have the evidence, he should reveal it up immediately, not wait until a large number of early votes have been cast in the General Election. Voters deserve to have any information BEFORE they cast their votes.

So our message to Dotcom is simple; put up, or shut up.
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