4th of July 2014 Chicago Negro Violence - More than 21 shot & wounded in overnight gun violence in Chicago - Including 3 police shootings

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Chicago was hit with a burst of gun violence on the Fourth of July, with at least 21 people shot during an 11-hour stretch from Friday evening into Saturday morning, according to police.

That brings to 36 the number of people who have been shot in the city since the long holiday weekend began Thursday afternoon, when two women were hit by gunfire as they sat on a porch just a block from Garfield Park on the West Side.

The holiday shootings have stretched across the city but have been concentrated in the South and West sides. The Englewood and Harrison districts have both seen a handful of people shot over the last two days, and there have been shootings as far south as the Altgeld Gardens neighborhood at the edge of the city to the Rogers Park neighborhood bordering Evanston.

Three of those wounded were shot by police officers in Portage Park, Rogers Park and Englewood. The man shot in Portage Park, around 9:50 p.m., died.

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