Here comes the back-down

Labour appears to be backing away from its proposal to reverse the burden of proof on consent in rape cases; Newstalk ZB reports:

A case of Andrew Little thinking out loud.
Labour's downplaying its justice spokesman's proposal to shift the burden of proof in rape cases.
The party wants the Law Commission to consider a shift to an inquisitorial system - to make courtrooms less combative for alleged victims of sexual assault.
Mr Little's suggested the defence should have to show there was consent, to prove the accused's innocence.
But leader David Cunliffe says Labour will await expert advice on the idea.
"I think he was saying what I've been saying which is that it is a matter for the Law Commission.
"There's a range of options on the table.
"One possibility could be - dot, dot, dot." 

David Cunliffe has obviously been holding his finger up to the winds of public opinion on this important issue. He's know starting to back away from what Andrew Little was proposing with no ambiguity whatsoever up until Tuesday.

This is vintage Labour Party policy-making on the hoof. Announce something, then back away from it when you get an adverse reaction. That is no way for Labour to be demonstrating that the party is a credible alternative government-in-waiting.

It reminds us of the infamous Groucho Marx quote:

Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have others.

We're pleased that David Cunliffe has seen sense, and will not be going ahead with this proposal, for now, anyway. But the mere fact that it was raised at all suggests an absence of good judgment on the part of Labour's MPs.

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