Illegal Alien Arab Nedal Doleh, 21, electrocuted by down power line - He placed the down wire on his tongue to see if it was live

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A man was electrocuted by downed power lines in southwest suburban Burbank Tuesday afternoon.
Nedal Doleh, 21, came in contact with the power lines in the same block as his home, the 8600 block of South Meade Avenue in Burbank, about 2 p.m., according to police and the Cook County Medical Examiner’s office.

Doleh was taken to Advocate Christ Medical Center in Oak Lawn where he was pronounced dead at 3:40 p.m., the medical examiner’s office said.

An autopsy performed Wednesday found he died of electrocution and his death was ruled an accident, the medical examiner’s office said.

Doleh was visiting family and was found unresponsive in the back yard when emergency crews arrived, police said.

At the time, ComEd employees were working nearby to repair lines damaged by storms that rolled through the area Monday night, police said.
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