Kevin "Big Stupid" Stanley, 31, and Ronald Henderson, 34, get 100 years in murder of 9-year-old Chastity Turner

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Kevin "Big Stupid" Stanley, 31, and Ronald "Nigga Lipps"  Henderson, 34, (shown in 2009) were each sentenced to 100 years in prison for the murder of 9-year-old Chastity "Chatty" Turner in 2009

Two reputed gang members have each been sentenced to 100 years in prison in the killing of 9-year-old Chastity Turner in 2009, prosecutors said.

Kevin “Big Stupid” Stanley, 31, and Ronald Henderson, 33, had been gunning for Chastity’s father, Andre Turner, when they shot the little girl. Today they both were sentenced in a hearing this morning before Cook County Criminal Court Judge William Lacy, prosecutors said in a release.

In March, Cook County jurors deliberated for a little more than two hours before convicting two reputed gang members from the neighborhood of killing Chastity, who lived in the Washington Park neighborhood but was visiting her father for a week after passing summer school.

Chastity’s mother, Lakeisha Edwards, told Stanley and Henderson in a victim-impact statement today that “I don’t hate you. I feel sorry for you just knowing the torture and pain you’ll receive every day of your life.

“It gives me great pleasure. I’m not here to talk about my pain,” over the death of Chastity, whose family called her “Chatty,” Edwards said. “It’s all about Chatty and justice for her.

“If you have kids, your family can bring them to jail to see you. I’ll never see my child again. I will never have grandchildren from her. There will be no more hugs or kisses. I will never see her smile or hear her laugh. You took everything of her away from me. I forgive you so I can have peace in my heart; knowing justice was served. May God have mercy on your soul. You gave my baby no mercy.”

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