Large Crowd Expected Today at Hinckley Springs Water Plant at 6055 South Harlem - Chicago

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Contacts: Raul Montes, Jr.
                Bernie Sherlock (union representative local 710)
 Hinckley Springs employees go on strike with support of teamsters local union 710; hundreds of employees and teamsters rally for increase of wages and better contract
 What: Press conference and rally
 When: Tuesday, July 1, 2014
 Where: Hinckley Springs
            6055 S Harlem Avenue
            Chicago, IL 60638 
 Time:  10:45 a.m.
 Chicago, IL-Hinckley Springs employees and local union 710 representatives have been trying to negotiate for an increase in wages and a better contract for the past two years and have been unsuccessful. Local 710 teamsters has decided to spearhead a strike with employees and route truck drivers from both facilities of Chicago and Schaumburg. 
 Subsequently, Hinckley Springs has hired non-union truck drivers from out of state paying them 14% more than regular union drivers. Bernie Sherlock union 710 representative states " the company is trying to break the union." Last year, Hinckley Springs generated 920 million from deliveries in the Midwest.  Demetrius Morton of teamsters 710 mentions "Hinckley Springs thinks little about their employees." 
 On Tuesday morning, hundreds of employees and Teamsters representatives of 710 of Illinois and Indiana will have a press conference and rally in efforts to reach an agreement with Hinckley Springs to reach a better contract for employees and end the strike.
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