Mallard's Moa

This cartoon arrived in our inbox overnight, sent to us by a keen-eyed reader:

It really has been Trevor Mallard's week. Plans to de-extinct an extinct bird and have moa wandering freely in the Wainuiomata bush have given Mallard far more profile than anyone else in the Labour Party has had, and at least he hasn't had to apologise for being what he is!

But we still believe that Trevor's staving off of extinction is merely temporary. Tracy Watkins wrote this yesterday:

Labour needed Trevor Mallard this week like it needed a hole in the head.
Mallard's blurt about bringing Moa back from the dead was a gift to National who gloried in the treasure trove of one-liners about dinosaurs and extinction.
Ironically, Mallard's grand Moa plan coincided with a morning tea shout to mark him and Annette King celebrating three decades in Parliament.
Even Mallard's Labour colleagues couldn't resist the Jurassic Park comparisons.
Bizarrely, there was also a school of thought that Mallard might actually be a genius because people were finally talking about Labour.
That must surely be the definition of clutching at straws, but it is symptomatic of the trough Labour has found itself in that generating any sort of chatter round the water cooler - even when it invites ridicule - is an improvement. 

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