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UAH folks,
YES, they say politics is not an easy science like physics, chemistry, mathematics and, or biology. Politics is Social Engineering and for some fellows to blame President OBAMA must be living in the different planet.
As for WBK who stays in America, I think he is some sort of a 'house Niger' if I may be vulgar about it. President OBAMA had very wonderful political intentions for Americans, but he has been let down by what former American President Jimmy CARTER termed RACISM in America.
KWELI, WBK, as a Ugandan, what have you done for Ugandans rather than making praises to former American George Bush Jr who concealed an ongoing genocide in northern and eastern Uganda? YES, you were one of those who were singing songs of 'Ho kati kasta kasita otulo' so there existed no political tragedies and genocide taking places in Uganda.
Ocaya pOcure

Den torsdag, 3 juli 2014 20:32 skrev Gook <>:

Obama's first and foremost task is to make America better for Americans. In pursuit of this he made it possible for Americans to have health care..something that most so called developed countries take for granted. Obama will be remembered for the Obamacare!

Africa has her own leaders why would they wait and or expect a foreign leader to do things for them to to be remembered for?

Sent from Gook's iPatch!

"What you are we once were, what we are   you shall be!"
An inscription on the walls of a Roman catacomb.

On 3 jul 2014, at 15:16, WB <> wrote:

History is kinder to former presidents. But if Mr. Obama wants to be looked at positively in the future, he is running out of time to cement his legacy. For example, what is it he will he be remembered for in the World other than being the first African-American to win the presidency? What is it has he done to make the world a better place than he found it?  Is the world today   safer place than when he took office?  And lastly what has he done for Africa? Mr Bush who bested him in the surveys did a lot more than any president for Africa. For starters it is Mr Bush who set in motion funding towards HIV/AIDS in Africa. By all indications his signature policy is saving millions of lives in Africa.  The last I checked Africa is still waiting for Mr. Obama to do anything for the mwanainchi beyond sanctions.
So rather than attack the polling, we should urge Mr Obama to pull up his socks.  And do so very soon.
Date: Thu, 3 Jul 2014 00:18:19 +0100

Edward, what do you mean numbers never lie??????????
Opinion polls are the most lucrative branch in opinion steering and opinion manipulation
Noc'la g

Den torsdag, 3 juli 2014 1:06 skrev Herrn Edward Mulindwa <>:

Poll Shows Obama The Worst President since WWII

Posted on July 2, 2014
(Linda Feldman) President Obama is No. 1, but not in a flattering way. He's the top pick for "worst president since World War II," according to a poll of American voters released Wednesday by Quinnipiac University in Hamden, Conn.
Mr. Obama came in first with 33 percent, followed by George W. Bush with 28 percent. Third, with 13 percent, was Richard Nixon, who resigned in disgrace 40 years ago next month.
"Over the span of 69 years of American history and 12 presidencies, President Barack Obama finds himself with President George W. Bush at the bottom of the popularity barrel," says Tim Malloy, assistant director of the Quinnipiac poll.
The top postwar presidents are Ronald Reagan (35 percent), Bill Clinton (18 percent), and John F. Kennedy (15 percent).
Of course, asking voters to rate the current president against his predecessors may not be fair. Sitting presidents face a daily barrage of challenges, and voters can be harsh, even when a president's ability to fix a problem is limited. Typically, as soon as a president leaves office, his favorability rating gets a boost. And, historians say, one really should wait a few decades before ranking a president for the ages.
"Presidents often look different 20 or 30 years later, because when you wait that period of time you know what was important and what was not," historian Michael Beschloss said in 2003, PBS notes.
In a head-to-head matchup, Obama and the second President Bush scored nearly evenly: Some 39 percent of voters said Obama has been a better president, while 40 percent say he has been worse.
But when asked about the outcome of the 2012 election, Obama fares worse – and it appears some voters may have buyer's remorse. Forty-five percent say America would be better off if Republican Mitt Romney had won the race, while 38 percent say the country would be worse off. The poll did not indicate how many of those wishing Mr. Romney had won voted for Obama in 2012. In the election, the president beat Romney 51 percent to 47 percent.
Overall, Obama's job approval rating remains in the doldrums, at 40 percent. Fifty-three percent disapprove. He also gets low marks for handling of issues: On the economy, 40 percent approve and 55 percent disapprove; on foreign policy, it's 37 percent versus 57 percent; on health care, 40 percent to 58 percent; and on terrorism, 44 to 51 percent.
Obama's best issue, among those polled, is the environment. Fifty percent approve of his handling of the environment, and 40 percent disapprove.
                    Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in anarchy"
Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni katika machafuko"
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