{UAH} Happy Independence Day

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Friday, 4 July 2014

Let us celebrate Independence Day as we rember the sacrifices others went through (dead or living). And thank God that so many of us have adopted this country as our second home because of the level of tangible freedom and independence we experience. Otherwise, many of us would be Home.

For God says that pray for the city, if it prospers, then you too prosper. When this country prospers, we also prosper.

And let's not forget but keep on praying for our Uganda to achieve independence as it should.  As we plead to God for those who have NEVER experienced any or a little level of independence.

May God wipe all our tears, take away all our fears,  revive all our dreams, all our hopes, and propel us into our destiny.
Psalm 126

Our Father who is in Heaven,
Holy be Your Name.
Your Kingdom come.
Your will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven...
For Thine is the Kingdom,
the Power
And the Glory.
Forever and ever,

Rev. Jessica Nakawombe
Ssabasajja Awangaale!
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