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Uganda beefs up security ahead of WC final matches

July 4, 2014 Musah Gwaunza International


KAMPALA. — Uganda’s police and military have stepped up security to avert any possible terror attacks ahead of the World Cup final matches, a police spokesperson said yesterday.
Patrick Onyango, the Kampala Metropolitan Police spokesman, told Xinhua by telephone that security has been enhanced in the capital Kampala and major towns to avoid the repeat of the 2010 World Cup final, when Somali Al-Shabaab militants carried out twin bombings in the capital, killing 78 football fans.

The twin bombings at Kyadondo Rugby Club and Ethiopian Village Restaurant, Kabalagala, left 78 dead and dozens injured.

Onyango said counter terrorism police, bomb squad and military are manning the capital, major towns and doing on spot checks to prevent any terror attacks.

“As the World Cup reaches its climax and conclusion, terrorists might be planning to cause havoc and disrupt it. We have enhanced our deployment, presence and vigilance to counter any terrorist’s threats,” said Onyango.

“Ugandan football fans shouldn’t panic. They should enjoy the remaining World Cup matches without any fear. We are alert and prepared,” he said. The World Cup quarter final matches start today, Germany playing France and Brazil against Colombia. On Saturday, Argentina plays Belgium and Netherlands versus Costa Rica. Onyango appealed to the members of public to report any suspicious persons and objects to security personnel for immediate action.

Early last month, police issued a terror alert that four vehicles reportedly carrying terrorists were suspected to have sneaked into the country using the Kenya-Uganda border.

Meanwhile, the US embassy in Uganda warned yesterday of a “specific threat” by an unknown group to attack the international airport serving the capital Kampala. The alert came as travellers flying to the United States from Europe and the Middle East faced tighter security because of new concerns about the development of explosives that could circumvent airport security. “The US embassy has received information from the Uganda police force that according to intelligence sources there is a specific threat to attack Entebbe International Airport by an unknown terrorist group today, July 3rd (yesterday), between the hours of 2100-2300 (1800 GMT to 2000 GMT),” the statement said.

Although it did not name any group, al-Qaeda linked al-Shabaab insurgents have claimed recent attacks in Kenya and Djibouti. Uganda has troops in Somalia as part of the African Union force fighting the al-Shabaab and is on high alert amid fears of attacks by the Islamist militants. — Xinhua/AFP.

                    Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in anarchy"
Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni katika machafuko"


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