Carpet Munching Lesbian Dyke Chicago Alderman Deb Mell announces she is divorcing her wife Christin Baker

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Ald. Deb Mell, 33rd, announced Thursday on Twitter that she and her wife, Christin Baker, are ending their marriage.
Mell, the first openly lesbian alderman in the Chicago City Council, was a voice in the fight for same-sex marriage in Illinois when she was a state representative from 2009 to 2013, when she was appointed to the council seat being vacated by her retiring father, Dick Mell.
In a tweet posted Thursday afternoon , Mell, 45, said “ it is with great sadness I tell you my marriage with Christin has ended. As you know divorce is painful, therefore we ask for privacy as we go through this process. Thank you for your continued support and understanding.”
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