Elderly White Man Killed In Des Moines Burglary by BLACK Male

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Des Moines, IOWA - An elderly white man is dead and his wife hospitalized after a home invasion at their East Side residence. Des Moines police were called to the Vista Kennels on East 46-th street just before six. The elderly couple also lives on the property. Police say the man was beaten and later died. His wife was taken to the hospital in stable condition. Police are not releasing the victim’s names. Shortly after eight, police picked up a teenage suspect about a mile away on Hubbell Avenue. Investigators, Meanwhile are still trying to figure out what happened.

“Call came in from the female victim inside that residence.” says Police Sergeant Jason Halifax, “There were two people inside at the time this happened, a male and female, both in their 90’s. The female indicates they were both assaulted by a male black suspect.”

Care takers were called in to take care of the dogs at the kennel.

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