Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan - Take Jon Burge's pension away - but let my dad, Speaker Michael Madigan, make MILLIONS OF DOLLARS thanks to Illinois CORRUPTION

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The Illinois Supreme Court is expected to weigh in Thursday on a controversial decision by the city’s police pension board to let disgraced former Chicago police Cmdr. Jon Burge keep his pension despite his 2010 conviction for lying about the torture of suspects.

At issue is whether Attorney General Lisa Madigan has the legal authority to challenge the administrative board’s split decision that allowed Burge keep his approximately $3,000-a-month pension.

Burge, 66, is serving a 4½-year sentence in a federal prison for his 2010 conviction on perjury and obstruction of justice counts. He is scheduled to be released to a halfway house in the fall and then freed on parole next February.

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