{UAH} Adam Kamya Tamusaange Wozamaangu Kidibye Mutaasa: Dad to Tycoon Mutasa Kafeero!

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The Unsung Muslim Heroes of Uganda: Adam Kamya Tamusaange Wozamaangu Kidibye Mutaasa

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 Adam Kamya Tamusaange Wozamaangu Kidibye Mutaasa

Adam Kamya Tamusaange Wozamaangu Kidibye Mutaasa

Adam Kamya Tamusaange Wozamaangu Kidibye Mutaasa was born in 1842 in Bbira Busiro. He was from the Monkey Clan (Nkima Clan). His parents were; Mr. Matembe Kafeero Ssalongo and Lady Nabbosa Nvandiirwa Nnamirembe.
He was in thick and thin of religious wars initially as an ordinary fighter then later as in charge of gun oiling department (Ekyoza Emmundu) from where he was taken to the King Kalema's guards (Ekitaasa) where he became the leader after seven months.

During this time, he accumulated a lot of Islamic knowledge from the Arabs who used to bring gun powder to Bulemezi country then governed by owesaza Kibirango (Kangaawo).

After the defeat of Muslims by Christians and the death of King Kalema in 1891, it was a turbulent time for Muslims. The persecution of Muslims was at its peak.

Mutaasa and his colleagues left Buganda in 1893; they established Islamic propagation hideouts in Kijungute in Bunyoro but later went deeper to a place called Kyererwa.

After propagating Islam in this area, they left Kyererwa and Mutaasa led a team of over 80 Bajungute and they moved through Buganda to Buwekula, Kitosi, Kabigi, Kabukunge and other adjacent areas of Kibinge in Buddu Masaka until they entered Kabula Ankole(before it was given to Buganda) in June 1889.
In the course of their journey, one of the villages where they stayed was named Mu Kitaasa in honor of Adam Kidibye Mutaasa for introducing Islam to the area.

His team included his brother in law Mubi Azaalwa, Kassim Buufa Magaba, Badiru Ssenoga, Samuel Balironda, Tabu Gasuza, Musa Ssegani, Juma Kiriba Kyattaka, Rashid Kabaale and Budala – Zaidi Muddu.

Some members of his team decided to stay in Bunyoro where their descendants live up to today.
In Kabula, Mutaasa with his two wives Fatuma Birungi Okutuma and Zayinabu Nakayima settled at Kitebero- Kateete and made another home at Nyamitanga next to where the school and the mosque are today.

At this time there wasn't any mosque in Mbarara yet. He and his fellow Bajungute worked tooth and nail and they built a small mud and wattle mosque in Nyamitanga. Later a bigger mosque and school were built.
He set up a Mosque and Muslim school at Kalagala which still exists.

By doing this, he was following in the footsteps of Sheikh Abdul Aziz Nsubuga Bulwadda (former district commissioner of Ankole who opened the door for more Muslim teachers to go to Ankole and propagate Islam. These Muslim teachers included Musa Kyempwanyi, Asumani Namunye and many others.

When Kabula was handed over to Buganda, Mutaasa was one of those chiefs who were sent to Ankole by the ruling officials in Buganda to start a system of governance similar to that practiced in Buganda.
During these times, Baganda from different religious denominations were sent to Ankole to perform this duty and the majority of whom and the first to go were the heroic Muslims known as Abajungute (Islamic religious war fighters).

He entered Ankole in 1899 during Omugabe Kahaya II's reign. Prime Minister Mbaguta was the regent Mugabe since the Omugabe (king) was still young.
Mutaasa was warmly welcomed by Mbaguta in Ankole. He settled at a place called Kamukuzi from where he started service.

The Omugabe was impressed and made him Sub county chief of Bugamba in Mukwenda County Rwampara. He later became county chief of Kajara.

On his appointment as county chief, Mutaasa went to the Enganzi (Premier) Mbaguta and said;
"Sir, I have been appointed County Chief and for that I am very happy, but I am suggesting that I take up the lower position of Sub County chief as I have been or else I only act at the county level to enable me accomplish my pledge."

He went on;
"Besides Sir I am a highly qualified Sheikh in my late 60s and had earlier on in Buganda pledged to fight for and teach the word of Allah for as long as Allah would allow. So far I have done only one fulfillment and that is fighting for Islam, even by being this far from home and why, is a matter and part of that same cause Sir.
With the affections you have always shown me Sir, I request that you grant me this wish of mine to enable me accomplish these pledges. By so doing Sir, you will have reduced on the pressure of my work and enabled me very well serve my two masters at ago i.e. my God and the Omugabe." (Who is Mutaasa and Kafeero? By Haji Hassan Mutaasa Kafeero June, 2002) pg. 7)

Mbaguta granted his wish and appointed him Sub County chief of Bwongyera and permanent acting county chief of Kasujja-Kajara.
It is known that the majority of Muslims in Ankole have root in "Mutaaza's razor blade" meaning he personally circumcised them or they were circumcised by his preachers.

Although most if not all, Mutaasa's children are dead, the grand and great grandchildren are numerous. They are the majority of Baganda Muslims found in Ankole.

In fulfilling his pledge which he stated in front of Prime Minister Mbaguta, Mutaasa used his free time to teach Quran/Islam at Kemishego Mosque.

He was a great inspiration to young Muslims especially his grandchildren, many of whom have grown up to be prominent Muslims today. They include Haji Hassan Mutaasa Kafeero, the owner of Mutaasa Kafeero Plaza and Hotel Triangle, and Mr. Yubu Mugwanya Lukabwe former teacher to the author (Haji Nsereko Mutumba) at Kyarubambura Muslim primary school in Bukanga Isingiro.

Children liked him for his jolly nature. He used to sing the following famous Islamic line to children;
"Lailaaha ila'Allah Muhammadu Rasulullah Abibuuna limustafa wa shaida libashal."
Mutaasa died on 8th June 1952 at the age of 110 at Kiyenze village Bwongyera Kajara Ankole and buried at Kemishego Mosque Kajara Mbarara (a mosque which he himself built. He also donated the land on which the mosque stands).

Heroism is normally made by accomplishments. According to what I have read and heard about this great Mujungute by the names of Adam Kamya Tamusaange Wozamaangu Kidibye Mutaasa, he has accomplished enough for Islam in Uganda to be honored as a Muslim hero though unsung.

Haji Nsereko Mutumba


"War is nothing but a  continuation of political intercourse, with a mixture of other means. Man will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest." 

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