{UAH} Alimiya Sajjabi Iga Ssalongo-the first Ugandan Muslim to go to a secular education school and a page boy to Prince Nuhu Mbogo

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The Unsung Muslim Heroes of Uganda:Alimiya Sajjabi Iga Ssalongo-the first Ugandan Muslim to go to a secular education school and a page boy to Prince Nuhu Mbogo

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Alimiya Sajjabi Iga Ssalongo

Alimiya Sajjabi Iga Ssalongo

By Haji Nsereko Mutumba

Alimiya Sajjabi Iga Ssalongo was born in 1882. He belongs to Engabi clan.His parents were Mr. Mazinga Kamoga of Katalemwa – Busiro and Sophia Namugalu his mother. Sajjabi is the one who converted his mother Sophia Namugalu to Islam. He was the 15th out of the 41 children of his father.

Sajjabi was a pageboy (omusiige) to Prince Nuhu Mbogo after being seconded by his elder brother Adam Kakeeto Yiga. This was after Mbogo's return from exile.

He was among those taught by the prominent Sheikh Khalifan Ibn Mubarak. He had the privilege to study with Prince Badru Kakungulu the son of Prince Nuhu Mbogo the then leader of Muslim Community.
He served Prince Mbogo diligently and honestly. He was one of the few servants who never tested the wrath of Prince Mbogo's stick (Lugoggo).

Mbogo trusted him to the extent of giving him one of his daughters, but he declined saying that their friendship would not last. He instead fronted Ali Kamoga, a son to his elder brother Adam Kakeeto Yiga. Ali Kamoga was therefore the one who ended up marrying Princess Hafswa Nakabirye – Prince Mbogo's daughter.
Sajjabi was selected by Prince Mbogo to go for studies in a catholic school following an incident in which Prince Mbogo did not turn up for a ceremony organised by King Daudi Chwa II.

Sajjabi's hand written details of his children. He wrote this in 1910 when he was 18 years old

Sajjabi's hand written details of his children. He wrote this in 1910 when he was 18 years old

Although he received the invitation, Prince Mbogo who was the regent and grandfather of King Daudi Chwa II kept the letter because he did not know what it meant. When Sir Daudi Chwa II King of Buganda later met Prince Mbogo his beloved grandfather, he asked him as to why he never honoured his invitation to the function. In response, Prince Mbogo told the king that he did not know what the letter meant and he felt sorry.

The king felt concerned and told the prince to choose a trusted person from his servants to be taken to school for secular education.Prince Mbogo chose his most trusted servant Alimiya Sajjabi Salongo Yiga.

Sajjabi was already married at this point with two wives with an established home based at Kibuli hill where the Mosque is situated today. He is the one who planted the mango tree which stands in front of Kibuli Mosque.
When he was admitted at Nsambya Catholic Primary School, he went with his praying mat (Omusaalo), an abolution kettle (Zinzimia) and his wooden Sadals (Emikalabanda). He used to conduct Adhan (Muslim call for prayers) loudly and always prayed in although this was purely a Catholic school. He excelled in his studies because of his previous knowledge in Islamic studies and Arabic language.

Catholic Fathers tried hard to convert him to Christianity when he was at Nsambya Catholic Primary school because they found him highly intelligent. Because of his dedication to his religion, he opposed them and left the school after primary four.

He later became the Principal Private Secretary to Prince Nuhu Mbogo (Bwaana Mbogo).
Sajjabi was the first Secretary of Muslim Community – during Mbogo's time. He also served as the head of Prince Mbogo's treasury in charge of collecting and keeping finances.
After Prince Mbogo's demise, Sajjabi continued to serve Prince Badru Kakungulu who succeeded his father as head of Muslim Community.

He also worked as the registrar of Muslim marriages in Kyaddondo Twale (County) under Muslim Community as well as a trustee of Uganda Muslim Education Association (UMEA). He died on 27th October 1963 at the age of 81 years.

Several of his children grew up to prominence. They include Dauda Sajjabi Kamya who was the first black Ugandan Inspector of works in 1964; Zakaria Bukenya was the pioneer Managing Director of East African Development Bank.

Basing on the Prophet Muhammad SAW's Hadith which says "seek knowledge even if it is as far as China" this man fulfilled this Hadith not only in Islamic knowledge but also in secular education. This man won the trust of the most powerful Prince of Buganda of that time to the extent of even giving his own daughter to him. If you don't honour him as a hero, what else can you call him? Mr. Alimiya Sajjabi Salongo Yiga is among those Ugandan Muslim heroes though unsung.

Haji Nsereko Mutumba

source: http://um-bs.com/2013/07/25/the-unsung-muslim-heroes-of-ugandaalimiya-sajjabi-iga-ssalongo-the-first-ugandan-muslim-to-go-to-a-secular-education-school-and-a-page-boy-to-prince-nuhu-mbogo/

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