A Good Friday reflection...

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For Christians, Easter is a time of particular significance as we remember the death and resurrection of Jesus - the very essence of our faith. For us, this Easter is particularly significant; it's fifteen years this Easter since we began a journey to become a follower of Jesus. It's a journey on which we will continue until our days on God's earth are done.

Music has always played a special part in our life, but when we became followers of Jesus, a whole new world of music opened up - contemporary Christian music, with all genres from soft folk to hard rock and hip-hop covered. We are blessed to be able to combine our love of music with our faith journey.

One of our favourite bands is the Grammy Award-winning rock band Third Day - southern rock, influenced by bands such as Lynard Skynard. And this is one of our favourite songs, and especially pertinent today. It's called "Thief" and tells the story of one of the thieves crucified alongside Jesus - the one who recognised Jesus' divinity as death approached, and to whom Jesus, almost dead himself uttered those amazing words

I tell you the truth. Today, you will be with me in paradise. (Luke 23:43)

Jesus makes that same promise today for those who choose to follow Him; the gift of eternal life, freely given, but at an unimaginable cost. All you need to do is ask.

However you celebrate or observe this season. may you have a blessed Easter.

Footnote: This will be our sole contribution to the blogosphere today. A little reflective silence will do us no harm whatsoever. See you all tomorrow.
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