Winston the Borrower

Winston Peters makes lots of "interesting" claims. But he made an especially interesting one yesterday on air with Duncan Garner on RadioLive; check this out:

Does Winston Peters realise where most of the money that New Zealand borrows comes from? Is he so fearful of New Zealand shareholders of SOE's selling their shareholding to some mysterious foreigner that he's prepared to borrow from foreigners to save them from themselves? Has Winston Peters thought this one through?

The answer to the final question is, of course "Probably not"; that's not how Winston rolls. And if he makes an asset buy-back a bottom line for future coalition negotiations, which of his multiple bottom lines will be the absolute bottom line? Will he see the irony in banning foreigners from owning houses in New Zealand, but having them effectively own our power stations by way of the money they lend?

Winston the Borrower is indeed a complicated beast.

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