Labour's transport policy demolished

Transport Minister Gerry Brownlee has driven a truck through Labour's transport policy announced this morning; the Beehive website reports:

More trouble with Labour’s transport policy

Transport Minister Gerry Brownlee says Ministry of Transport analysis of Labour’s new policy for taxing motorhomes shows many motorhome owners would actually be charged higher Road User Charges under a Labour government than they are presently, not lower, as Labour’s leader claimed this morning.
“This is frankly remarkable – I’m not sure if David Cunliffe is being tricky or if Labour is simply a shambles,” Mr Brownlee says.

We think it's possible both Gerry Brownlee's scenarios are true; David Cunliffe seems to be in a perpetually state of trickiness, and we know that the Labour Party is a shambles, with deep division between warring factions.

The rest of Brownlee's presser explains how David Cunliffe and Darien Fenton have got their sums wrong; you can read it here.

In the meantime, we don't think attacking truck drivers is going to be a vote-winner for Labour. They tried that in 2008, and it went spectacularly long as truckies brought their big rigs to the Beehive in protest; remember this?

So much for Labour being the party which represents working New Zealanders, like truck drivers; what a clustertruck this has become!
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