We can't help but wonder...

Kim Dotcom is doing a sales pitch to the Mana Party today. After that the party faithful will vote on whether to move forward into some sort of unprincipled alliance with Dotcom and his Internet party which as yet has no candidates, no policy and no hope.

So we can't help but wonder; laying aside the issue of Dotcom's wealth, his poor treatment of staff, and the fact that he's facing criminal charges in the USA, will Mana embrace him. And we also can't help but wonder how the likes of Annette Sykes, Sue Bradford, Missy Harrison, Angeline Greensill, Val Irwin and Sharon Stevens, all Mana candidates in 2011 will feel about jumping into political bed with a man who is alleged to have run this website:

Is the Mana Party a party of principle, or a party of convenience provided the price is right? It's judgment day folks.
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