Where's David?

David Cunliffe seems to have gone missing in action.

The Labour Party leader was supposed to have done an "At home with..." segment on Campbell Live at the weekend, but didn't. John Campbell himself and his producer Pip Keane tweeted about the no-show last night:

The Campbell Live programme last week with John Key was an excellent watch, and the PM came across very well. Even John Campbell seemed impressed with the sincerity of the bloke, which is no little achievement! You can watch that video here, given that there is no Cunliffe episode yet.

And now we learn that not only will David Cunliffe not be at Labour's weekly caucus meeting this morning, but he'll also be a no-show at Question Time this afternoon:

There are plenty of issues about which Mr Cunliffe could grill John Key this afternoon. But he won't be there. And now journalists from at least three major news organisations (3 News, One News and Newstalk ZB) are drawing attention to Cunliffe's absences, rather than reporting on what he DOES say. Five months out from the election, that's a huge worry for Labour.

Is this Matt McCarten's doing? Has he realised that David Cunliffe is toxic but that Labour is stuck with him, and rolled out a damage limitation strategy? Or has David Cunliffe simply given up?

These are interesting times for the Labour Party. Caucus is stuck with a leader the majority of its members didn't want. The polls are not looking flash. And the leader has vetoed a formal coalition with the Greens - for the time being - without consulting his troops.

There's only one question left to ask; where's David?

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