Nearly, but not quite

After our busiest ever blogging month in March, we had low expectations for April. The combination of a 30-day month, public holidays (Easter and Anzac Day) and our trip to South Australia all pointed to falling numbers in the latter part of the month.

And we were right; visitor numbers were down, but not by as much as we had expected, and we still recorded our second-ever busiest month both for unique visits and page views. Here are the numbers:

We were more surprised however to hold our place at #10 in Open Parachute's New Zealand Blog Rankings. We have some way to go to catch the likes of Whaleoil, Kiwiblog or even the union-funded Daily Blog, but for a most-of-the-time one-man band we're not doing too badly.

As always, we note that these results are entirely based on the premise that people will vote with their mouse, and pay us a visit. In order for them to do that, we have to provide content that's worthy of checking out, and that's what we try to do; sometimes, more successfully than others! So thanks for stopping by, and please call again; we DO appreciate it. 

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