The Keeping Stock political poll #2

Our second Keeping Stock political poll has closed. Less people voted than in our first poll in March, but given that the poll ran in the run-up to Easter Sunday, that is not surprising. 

But the results were even more emphatic than last time, as can be seen in the comparative chart below:

This biggest surprise once again was the almost complete lack of support for the David Cunliffe-led Labour Party. Only two of the almost-300 people who took the time to express an opinion ticked Labour as their preferred choice for their party vote.

Now we know that we are a right-leaning blog, and make no apologies for that. But we also know that plenty of people who disagree with our views visit here and comment. For the second month in a row, Labour was out-scored by the Greens. Is it possible that after the election on 20 September we could have co-Leaders of the Opposition?

We will continue this totally unscientific experiment, if for no other reason than because we can! Our next poll will go up around the May 13th, and will close at 7pm on May 20th; four months to the very minute before the real McCoy does on 20 September 2014.

Thanks to all of you who expressed an opinion.
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