Listen to your wife Hone

We don't usually like to involve MPs' families in reporting their goings-on. But Hilda Halkyard-Harawira wears the label of "veteran activist" with pride, and is no shrinking violet.

And we'd suggest there's some raruraru in the Harawira whare at the moment; the Dom-Post reports:

Mana leader Hone Harawira's wife, veteran activist Hilda Halkyard-Harawira, is among party members concerned about a likely alliance with the Internet Party.
Halkyard-Harawira raised her concerns about the alliance in a closed session yesterday at the party's conference in Rotorua, with Harawira confirming she remained wary of it.
An alliance looks almost certain after the movement voted to support ongoing negotiations with Kim Dotcom's Internet Party.
While all seven of the Mana branches supported the move, there is still significant dissent within the party.
"She's wary of the deal and understandably so. She sees it from not just a perspective of a Mana member or the wife of the Mana leader but from a long history of involvement in politics and activism," Harawira said. 

Ms Halkyard-Harawira is right to be concerned. She is clearly looking at the bigger picture, and isn't dazzled by the fleet of black SUV's, the dollar signs, and the cult of personality that surrounds Dotcom.

The Dom-Post continues:

He said his wife, who declined to comment, shared the concerns of others about the potential watering down of what the movement stood for. She told members yesterday she was worried about the mana of the movement being diminished by relationships with other parties.
Protecting that was important and the leaders needed to be wary of guarding that credibility, Harawira said.
"The funny thing for me is that I can convince the whole of the movement but if she says no, it's probably no."
He said one of his senior staff shared the same concerns but he needed to balance that against the fact it was an election year and the party had an opportunity which could hugely benefit it.

We've got this advice for Hone; benefits are a very fleeting thing, even moreso where a certain Large German Gentleman is concerned. It sounds as though Hone Harawira has been blinded by the smoke and mirrors that surround Dotcom, whereas Hilda can see past the bluster and bulldust.

She Who Must Be Obeyed has a wee saying. She will tell people that we may be the head of our household but that she is the neck. And there's another mantra we go by; happy wife, happy life. Hone Harawira would do well to contemplate these this morning as he heads off to Wellington for his week at Parliament. Listening to what his own SWMBO says may lead to a far more peaceful Easter weekend.

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