Easter good news #1

The Easter weekend is just hours away. And it's great to head into the weekend on the back of some welcome good news; Stuff reports:

The labour market is taking off, with more jobs advertised in March, continuing a run of rises for three months in a row, a bank survey shows.
A strong economy is now being accompanied by rising employment, that will provide a backbone to household income growth over the months ahead.
The latest ANZ job ads survey points to unemployment falling from 6 per cent at the end of last year to 5.7 per cent at the end of March and dropping even more in coming months.
The number of job advertisements lifted 1.1 per cent in March, seasonally adjusted.
"This bodes well for an ongoing downward trend in the unemployment rate." ANZ said. 

This is the news that New Zealand needs to hear. Job growth is the last remaining plank of the economic recovery to become firmly embedded, but there are some definite signs of that happening. We expect the March Household Labour Force Survey which will be released in early May to confirm that unemployment has fallen below the 6% mark.

The Government has a very good story to tell when it goes to the hustings in a few months. The economy is recovering strongly, the budget will be back in surplus next year, growth right across the economy is strong, and employers have the confidence to create new jobs and invest in their businesses.  

Why would any sensible voter put that at risk?
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