Congratulations Dave

The Green Party has announced its party list over the weekend. And a regular commenter here has an outside chance of making it into Parliament. Dave Kennedy, aka bsprout has been ranked at #19 on the list, up four places from his 2011 ranking.

Here's the top 20:

And in a story on the list, the Dom-Post's headline writer seems to have given Dave a bit of a nod:

On current polling, Dave won't make it into Parliament, but if Labour's vote collapses much further, he could stand a chance. Both TV channels are reporting polls tonight, and if the numbers we've heard being bandied around are true, things will be tense in Labour's War Room tomorrow.

Footnote: We've blogged before about Matthew Beveridge's Politics and Social Media blog. He's just posted a link to another name from further down the Greens' list, whose sole tweet has been in breach of the Green Party's stated values!
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