Quote of the Day - 28 May 2014

We've just been having a look around the traps, having been out all day. And DPF's short piece about Laila Harre had us chuckling:

NBR and the Daily Blog both report that Laila Harre is the Leader of the Internet Party.
I think this is great. Laila is a good politician, but she will attract zero votes from National supporters. She will however attract votes from the Greens – the party she worked for just a few months ago.
I also love the hilarity of a life long unionist getting paid a whopping great salary from the multi-millionaire convicted criminal who was accused by his staff of not even paying them minimum wage.
I also don’t think Laila has ever shown any interest or involvement in Internet issues. She is a staunch unionist and hard left activist. Laila becoming Leader of the Internet Party because she presumably uses the Internet is like me becoming Leader of the Greens because I eat them sometimes.
Next we’ll see Rajen Prasad being announced as the new female co-leader of the Maori Party.

DPF hits the nail on the head. The fight for votes on the Left between Labour, the Greens, MegaMana and Winston First is on in earnest, and it's going to be great fun to watch the fall-out.

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