Tweet of the Day - 21 May 2014

We were surprised to get this tweet this morning:

It's not that often that we are guilty of starting a trend. In fact critics would say that we are followers, rather than leaders! But for once, we were at the head of the pack.

There was genuine interest in the identity of Player X however. We posted Who is Player X? at 3.10pm on Monday. Around 5pm, we noticed a surge in visitor numbers, so we checked the referral source on Sitemeter. Most of the hits were coming via Google. We entered "who is player x?" on Google, and our post was at the top of the results list.

For the hours that followed, visitors poured in at a very steady rate. The numbers began to slow a little after the Herald named Chris Cairns as Player X, but Monday and Tuesday were probably our busiest days ever, as you will see from the graph below.

We're grateful for the spike in traffic, but we'd far rather it was at something other than cricket's expense!
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