Quote of the Day - 1 June 2014

The Herald on Sunday has chosen Martyn Bradbury to be its leftie of the week, and he doesn't disappoint, confirming what everyone already suspected; MegaMana is hardcore left-wing:

Some on the left call this a sell-out. Principled opposition is admirable, but who will tell the 285,000 children in poverty we wouldn't replace the Government because we couldn't agree on which version of Marx to follow?
If Labour and the Greens are to defeat Key's National, Act, United Future, Maori Party coalition, they need every ally they can get. A political party aimed at the group least likely to vote doesn't risk splitting votes on the left. With the Internet Party's resources and flax-root networks of Mana, the possibility of this being the parliamentary maths game changer is high.
If Harawira, Harre, Sykes and Minto are the "sell-out", sign me up.

Interestingly Martyn, not everyone is signing up. We spotted this on Twitter last night:

We suspect that Dylan Reeve will not be the only one to delete Kim Dotcom's app, as people start to understand the political motivation of the Internet Party, and its place in the political landscape.
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