What's up with Sitemeter?

Posted by Blogger Name. Category: , ,

 UPDATE: 31 hours now, and still waiting...


When we turned on our computer this morning, we hadn't had a single visit to Keeping Stock since about 11pm last night. We thought that was a bit strange, because we'd had several comments in that period.

As at 8pm this evening, we still haven't had a single visitor all day, according to Sitemeter. But we're getting this odd message:

Fortunately, we also have Statcounter as a back-up, and we've certainly had passers-by today as you can see from this.

So has any other blogger had this issue before? We have Sitemeter drop out completely from time to time, but this is the first time it's just lost track of all our traffic. We're hoping they'll find our missing punters, because we're headed for another record month!
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