Oh dear

There have been three political polls out this week. And they all tell the same story; support for National is rising, and support for Labour is falling.

Colmar Brunton helpfully sums up the One News poll in one graphic, which saves bloggers lots of typing; here 'tis:

And the 3News/Reid Research poll was almost identical showing National up 4.4 points to 50.3%, Labour down 1.7 to 29.5% and the Greens down 1 point to 10.2%. The only major difference is that 3News has Winston First surviving (just), but One News bids him farewell, at 4.8% support; the figures on the infographic are rounded.

These poll results, coming on top of a Roy Morgan poll on Thursday which had National ahead of the Labour/Green bloc again, will be terribly disheartening for Labour. It's also clear that all the energy expended on Judith Collins hasn't made any difference.

Things will be tense in Labour's War Room tomorrow as the party gears up for the last week of the current session of Parliament. Time is short, and the gap between the parties is as wide as it has been for some time.
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