Do as we say...

Direct from the "You couldn't make this shit up" department, Andrea Vance reports via Stuff:

The Green Party is demanding transparency of political donations - but will hold a closed door auction to raise funds later this month.
Last month co-leader Russel Norman called for more details about National's Cabinet Clubs - where ministers mix with donors over lunch or breakfast. The money raised from ticket sales goes into National party coffers.
It sparked a ''cash for access'' row with Norman saying the Government has put democracy up for sale, and calling for a ministerial disclosure regime.
However, the Greens are coy about their own fundraising methods. An agenda for next weekend's annual day meeting shows the media are barred from a pre-lunch ''party fundraising session'' on the last day of the three-day conference.
A spokeswoman explained the half-hour meeting is an auction for party members. It was a ''fun'' session closed so guests could ''let their hair down.''
Co-leader Metiria Turei has crocheted a blanket which will be offered for sale.
''It's not $10,000 a pop,'' the spokeswoman said, referring to National's fundraising events. 

This is simply priceless stuff; the Greens slag National off about its Cabinet Club, then hold a private, invitation-only "party fundraising session". It's typical Green Party do-as-we-say-not-as-we-do hippy-crisy.

And how about instead of calling it a "party fundraising session" they call it a meeting of the Crochet Club; partly as a tribute to Metiria's blanket, but mainly because with antics like this, it will be a long time before the Greens get anywhere near Cabinet! 
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