The Civilian's take on the Internet Party

Ben from the Civilian has been pretty quiet in the last few months as he prepares to launch his political party. But he must see the Internet Party as a threat to his slice of the satire market; he blogged this yesterday:

Following this afternoon’s revelation that former Alliance MP and Cabinet minister Laila Harré will be the leader of the newly-formed Internet Party, chief executive Vikram Kumar offered a public warning that – while many may be excited about the possibility – she would not be “quite how you remember her.”
“Obviously, at this time, everybody is very eager to see Laila at the head of our party, and so are we,” wrote Kumar in a statement issued to media late this afternoon. “But it is important that, prior to tomorrow’s announcement, we warn New Zealanders that Ms. Harré will not look exactly how you remember her.
“This is not to say that Laila is any different. Indeed, she is still the same principled, vivacious politician that we all know and respect. But it has been a long time since she was a minister in 2002, and she has put on a few extra kilos.
“Additionally, she is now German.”

Heh; we like the way that this is going, so let's read on some more:

A promotional video for the Internet Party featuring Harré has been leaked to Whale Oil’s Cameron Slater, who remains uncertain why people keep sending him things.
The video features Harré walking down a long corridor in Kim Dotcom’s Coatesville mansion, smiling as she approaches the camera.
“Hello kiwis,” she says in a thick German accent. “It’s me: Laila O’Hare. Kia piki te ora, and welcome to the Internet Party.
“Waea atu ki te Pirihimana. I am thrilled to have the opportunity to talk to you today and announce that I will be the leader of this brand new political movement that New Zealand really needs.
“Together, I believe that we can create a strong and modern digital economy, expand the country’s internet connectivity, and put me, Leela O’Harry, in Parliament once again.
“Kī tōnu taku waka topaki i te tuna. I hope that you will join me.”
At one point during the video, Harré’s grey hair appears to fall from her head, whereupon she catches it and puts it back.
Asked about this part of the video, Kumar explained that Harré had been having “trouble with hair loss recently,” and suggested that it would be “insensitive” to question her further about it.
Today’s development comes just one week after Kumar himself developed a German accent and abruptly became white.

This is brilliant stuff from The Civilian. It reinforces the fact that, just as NZ First is a cult to Winston Peters' personality, so the Internet Party is all about Kim Dotcom.

Quite how a trade unionist and hard-Left activist fits alongside a wealthy convicted criminal who is alleged to treat both his staff and his creditors in an appalling manner is anyone's guess. But it provides fertile ground for cutting satire, and The Civilian has delivered.
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