It wasn't just Hollywood...

The US Department of Justice's Record of Case against Kim Dotcom makes fascinating reading. People assume that it was Hollywood, the recording industry and TV industry that Megaupload was allegedly ripping off.

Yes; they were allegedly ripping off the big content creators. But lots of little guys got caught up in the crossfire, and you can read the story of one of them right here, at Page 107 in the Record of Case.

We haven't got a clue who JM is, apart from the fact that he is from New Zealand, so we don't have any vested interest in drawing attention to his/her plight. All that we know was that JM had found a way to make a legitimate buck out of his software creation skills, someone hacked his website and uploaded it to Megaupload, and from there everything went pear-shaped.

So whilst all the attention on the Megaupload case is on Hollywood and the recording industry, how many JM's did Dotcom and his alleged co-conspirators ruin? Dotcom's supporters maintain he is being bullied by the powerful Hollywood lobby, but that's exactly what Megaupload was doing to small fry like JM; using its might, knowing that the little guys would never be able to do anything.

This, like the other evidence against Dotcom and his mates is just an allegation at the moment. Dotcom claims on one hand to want his "day in court" so that he can clear his reputation. But on the other hand, he has spent the last two years fighting every move that would facilitate said "day in court". We find that a little odd.

So next time someone tells you what a terrible conspiracy this is, and how everyone from Barack Obama down is out to ruin Dotcom, spare a thought for JM, whose intellectual property was ripped off, and given to Megaupload for a few pieces of silver. 

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