Budget week begins

Bill English will deliver his sixth Budget on Thursday afternoon. Having inherited an economy predicted to be in deficit for at least ten years after the 2008 General Election, he is tipped to deliver a small surplus in 2014-15, with larger surpluses to follow in following years. New Zealand's economic outlook has not been brighter for many years.

It's a different story on the other side of the Tasman. Australian Federal Treasurer Joe Hockey is facing a nightmare with the Aussie economy tanking while others like ours recover. That's a legacy of the free-spending Rudd/Gillard/Rudd government that Australians kicked to touch a year ago. The Budget Mr Hockey has to deliver on Tuesday night is going to cut deep.

National held its Mainland Regional Conference at the weekend in Queenstown. And here's what Steven Joyce reminded the assembled delegates:

Steven Joyce is dead right. When New Zealand voters make their choice in September they will face the choice of an economy in recovery under Bill English, at least four years ahead of schedule, or an economic recovery that will run into a brick wall if the Government changes to a big-spending, big-taxing LabourGreenNZFirstMegaMana monster.

We know what our choice is going to be.

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