Curly Sue's "High Horse" special

One of the more esoteric songs to come out of the 1970's was America's hit A Horse with no Name. Go online, and you'll find all sorts of explanations for the meaning of the song, from a journey for self-discovery to tripping on heroin. Have a listen, and make your own call:

We've concluded that Curly Sue is a child of that era as well. That's because we've received this re-write of A Horse with no Name in the wake of yesterday's Question Time, where John Key came up with one of the sledges of the year with regard to Russel Norman and high horses.

So here's Curly Sue's contribution, for your entertainment and edification:

My High Horse Has Gone Lame

For the first part of session
I was upbeat and full of zing
Attacking funds and conflicts and Key and things
Couldn’t wait for the bell to ring
The first thing I said was a sound bite with buzz
John Campbell would be proud
Debate was hot and my mouth was dry
And the air was full of sound

I’m the Green Party leader, my high horse has gone lame
Arguments have failed again
When a vote comes along I can always abstain
Cause there ain't no point making positions plain
Oh la, la etc

After one hour in the debating chamber
My hair began to turn more red
After more hours we let the debate run
I was wishing for my bed
And the story was told as our bullshit flowed
Made me sad our argument’s dead

I’m the Green Party leader, my high horse has gone lame
Arguments have failed again
When a vote comes I can always abstain
Cause there ain't no point making positions plain
Oh la, la etc

Learning Kim’s ways, that no one rides for free
And John Key shooting me down
My rants and pointing of the finger
Make me look like the party’s Clown
Green policy’s a desert with the truth underground
And a perfect disguise above
Under the surface lies a communist hound
Rich pricks will get no love

You see I’m the Green Party leader, my high horse has gone lame
Arguments have failed again
When a vote comes I can always abstain
Cause there ain't no point making positions plain
Oh la, la etc

Curly Sue is turning out to be quite a prolific song rearranger. Is it time to escalate these little ditties to the next level, and hand them over to a more competent musician that ourselves to get them recorded and on YouTube? Hmm; that's food for thought...

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