Happy Mother's Day

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It will be ten years in a few months since Mum passed away, and we miss her dearly. Life was a battle for her, with significant health issues to deal with. She didn't help her cause by being a chain-smoker from as far back as we remember, which explains our resistance to tobacco products.

Mum wasn't perfect, but she and Dad put us children ahead of their own ambitions, as was common for people who had survived world wars and the Great Depression. Even in later life, she hung out against moving to a rest home, partly because she valued her independence so much but mainly because she was worried about there being nothing left for the family to inherit when she died. Dad was fiscally an arch-conservative who died fifteen years before her, and she was worried what he would think!

When she finally realised she could live on her own no longer, she had a couple of very happy years in a rest home before the lethal combination of emphysema and influenza got her in the dark of night.

We think of Mum often, but especially today. She helped us through some difficult times on the marital front, but lived long enough to see us happily married to She Who Must Be Obeyed. We may not have appreciated her support at times, but as the years have gone by without her, its importance has grown.

Today is Mother's Day, although in truth every day should be. Mothers are special, and you don't quite realise how special until they're no longer there. So our thoughts today are not only with our Mum, but with all the mothers out there. And we have special thoughts and prayers for those who long to be mothers, but for whatever reason are unable to be; today can be a very difficult day for those women.

We miss you Mum; Happy Mother's Day.
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