Tweet of the Day - 12 May 2014

Chris Hipkins claims not to be a fan of John Key. We claim not to be a fan of Chris Hipkins! But we applaud him for this tweet he put out earlier this morning:

We agree absolutely with Mr Hipkins. We don't know whether or not he is a parent, but we are, and whilst we do not agree with every choice our children have made, we love them without condition, and will always be there for them.

Those who attack Members of Parliament through their children or their families are beneath contempt. It is an issue that we feel strongly about. 

And those who have trolled Stephanie Key's Facebook page in an attempt to somehow indirectly smear her father are particularly low in our estimation. John Key has rightly said this morning how proud he is of his children, and we couldn't agree more.

There are plenty of political opportunities to attack any MP over various political issues without bringing members of their families into the debate. We are delighted Chris Hipkins agrees, and he has risen in our estimation.

UPDATE: Metiria Turei has tweeted likewise (and earlier than Chris Hipkins), and is likewise applauded.

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