Tweet of the Day - 4 May 2014

Graeme Edgeler is the legal counsel for the Internet Party. Some of those who have dealt with Herr Dotcom have suffered selective amnesia as a result, but Graeme's rapier-like wit has not been dimmed at all. Here he gives Labour MP Nanaia Mahuta a right good social media slap-down:

There's a more serious undertone to this exchange however. Under Helen Clark's leadership, immigrants were seen as the sole preserve of the Labour Party; Ms Clark considered Labour to be their natural home.

What a difference six years has made. David Cunliffe's Labour Party considers immigrants (and especially Chinese immigrants) to be the cause of many of New Zealand's woes, from house prices to corruption. Hidden in the fine print of Labour's Big Tool is a plan to stem the flow of immigrants. Helen Clark must look back in disdain.

When David Cunliffe and his lackey MP's like Nanaia Mahuta start playing the Winston Peters xenophobia card, as Cunliffe has done today, Labour has lost its heart.

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