We can't help but wonder...

We avoid David Cunliffe on Breakfast TV whenever possible. But we heard him this morning pontificating on Judith Collins. He was wondering why, if she was being sent off on stress leave, it wasn't happening immediately.

So we can't help but wonder; what sort of righteous indignation would we have heard from David Cunliffe this morning had the Prime Minister indeed sent Judith Collins home for a few days yesterday? 

You can just imagine it, can't you; David Cunliffe, on his high horse, complaining that Judith Collins was being hidden away by John Key, and that the Government was trying to dodge the issue.

But no; that's not the case at all. Judith Collins will front up in Parliament this afternoon and again tomorrow, and take whatever muck is thrown at her by Mr Cunliffe, Grant Robertson and Winston Peters. She will also be subject to the normal hectoring interjections from the likes of Clayton Cosgrove, Trevor Mallard and Annette King. And we reckon she will give as good as she gets.

There's one aspect though we will place money on. Today's Question Time will be robust, and David Carter's patience will be tested. We would be surprised if there are not ejections from the House today, given how high feelings are running.

And as for Mr Cunliffe; is he ever going to disclose the identity of those who donated anonymously to his leadership campaign via a secret trust, and if not, as they say at Question Time, why not?
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